A recent client writes: “Thank you so much, Heather. Your support and care truly mean the world to me. I believe with all of my mind and heart that you are the most significant part of why I’m getting better.…
Fail better
Fail better. We received this outstanding feedback from a client about associate practitioner David McConaghay: “Meeting with David has helped me in so many ways. With the goal to “fail better” I don’t feel like I have to be perfect.…
Low-fat and nonfat dairy consumption associated with increased risk for Parkinson’s disease
Researchers have concluded that regular consumption of low-fat and nonfat dairy products is associated with increased risk for Parkinson’s disease (PD). (2) For the current analysis, the researchers used data collected since 1984 for the NHS and 1986 for the…
we make house calls
We make house calls! Says one recent client of her Marma session: “What a wonderful experience it was to have my practitioner show up at my house. Heather took great care and intention towards finding out what my needs were…