Pink Himalayan and Sel Gris (Celtic grey sea salt) are our favorites. True Sel Gris is harvested exclusively with wooden instruments preventing contaminants such as aluminum that may be present in refined salts. It contains an abundance of trace sea…
If it’s flu, Elderberry and Echinacea reduce duration and severity of symptoms
Its flu season! Did you know Echinacea and Black Elderberry work as effectively as Tamiflu (Oseltamivir) to shorten the duration and severity of flu symptoms, without the unpleasant side-effects of gastrointestinal upset (increased nausea and vomiting). Who needs THAT when…
Micronutrients have a major impact on health
Harvard Health recommends eating whole foods instead of taking expensive supplements to achieve nutritional balance and boost the immune system. In a report published in September 2016, Beverly Merz (Executive Editor, Harvard Women’s Health Watch) identifies 5 key micronutrients – vitamin…
simply put
Simply put Ayurveda is the fulfillment and nourishment of rasa, the feeling associated with the sweet nectar of divinity. "Ayurveda is nothing if not the fulfillment and nourishment of rasa, the feeling associated with sweet nectar of divinity." @yoginiHeatherB —…