Hello from Seattle. I’m in the Pacific Northwest helping navigate decision making, with family, about end-of-life care, hospice, and the transition and finality of the death portal. Seattle is the birthplace of my husband and my first child. It is…
Ayurveda vs. Western Medicine
Is there a place for Ayurveda in healing what ails us? Most certainly. But this debate goes back as far as the practice of modern medicine, and the introduction of Ayurveda to the west, in the early 20th century.
Take control of your health: the top reasons for seeing the Doctor can be addressed with botanicals, herbs, spices, and Materia Medica plant allies
Tired of pharmaceuticals? Adverse side effects making you more sick? Plants are truly an ally along the health journey. Research has increased exponentially in the past 10 years, supporting the traditional use of plants and botanicals for each of the top reasons people see their primary care doctor.
What’s wrong with the world? A musing on allopathic (western) medicine
In 2022, the rate of burnout among doctors was exceptionally high, with rates of alcohol abuse reported among 20% of physicians.
We have developed a system of medicine in which providers, under enormous pressure, simultaneously abuse the sweetness of sacred soma, “spirits” per se, on which the foundations of healing were established, while dissociating from their own humanity.