here’s to your health – our gift to you! (Limited time offer)

Our gift to you! Learn more about Ayurveda and how it can help you achieve your health goals with this discounted offer.

  • Have you been introduced to Ayurveda at your local yoga studio?
  • Did you hear about Ayurveda on your favorite daytime news show?
  • Have you recently read about Ayurveda in your favorite magazine?
  • What is Ayurveda really? And how will Ayurveda help you?

We at Roots of Wellness Ayurveda are committed to sharing the gift of health with Ayurveda. We want you to know how to improve your digestion, sleep, and energy. We want this for you because we believe that we need more Warriors of Light in this world.  Warriors of Light are people committed to the health and wellness of humanity, ready to fight for the rights of a healthy planet and access to clean food, clean water, and clean air for all beings. Ready to stand up for freedoms of expression, freedoms of speech, and the freedoms of religion! We need neighbors, friends, and family who are ready to give of their gifts of time and talent with love, not fear. To give with generosity, not greed. To give the gift of good will to all in the face of mounting division and acts of hate. That’s why we’re making this offer – to get more people interested in Ayurveda and activated with the gift of health!

In order for you to give your talents to the world to the fullest of your capacity, you need energy! You need excellent sleep! You need optimal digestion! That’s where our offer comes in.

Discount offer – our gift to you!

During the month of January 2017, we are offering a deep discount on your 1st appointment. Experience the gift of Ayurveda – our gift to you!

Book now to schedule your 1st visit with one of our Ayurvedic Practitioners for 50% off. That’s only $72 to get started with Ayurveda and receive the support you need to accomplish your health goals in 2017:

Click here to book today!

With big love,

All of us at Roots of Wellness Ayurveda

Gift of health, our gift to you, health with Ayurveda health with ayurveda, ayurvedic practitioners support your health, our gift to you health with ayurveda is health for all


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