“These examples provide stunning reminders that folk medicine, as mythical and unscientific as it may sound to modern researchers sometimes, may be well worth a good look in the lab.” Medscape.com As Ayurvedic Practitioners, we trust herbal medicine precisely because…
Caution with Rx Sleep Aids
CAUTION: ALL Rx sleep aids have side effect and withdrawal complications. Sleep is an overall indicator of health according to Ayurveda. Learn healthy habits for your unique constitution by booking a consultation today. Our clients have experienced incredible benefit with…
Ophthalmology and Ayurveda
In an article on Sushruta, father of Ayurvedic surgery, Thomas Harbin MD (writing for the American Academy of Ophthalmology) rightly acknowledges, “A conscientious surgeon considers the patient as a whole” while acknowledging the pioneering techniques by Ayurveda thousands of years…
Got back pain?
Clients of Roots of Wellness Ayurveda seek Ayurvedic care for their aches and pains – often seeking help for acute back pain. Along with our recommendations for managing vata dosha, the dosha responsible for nerve signaling and pain response, with…
the laws of nature are the most powerful laws in existence [video]
“The laws of nature are the most powerful laws in existence” We just finished watching The Fourth Phase, Travis Rice’s new snowboard film, and we couldn’t agree more. For health and wellness practices aligned with the profoundly simple and infinitely complex…
Kriya Yoga – nonsectarian techniques to accelerate spiritual growth [podcast]
One of Heather’s spiritual teachers speaks on the scientific, powerful, and nonsectarian techniques of Kriya Yoga during this short & sweet 20 minute podcast – “the quickest and most direct path to spiritual growth and self realization.” Find your path!…
neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happier
Everything is interconnected. #gratitude #emotionalintelligence #smallsteps #hugs #neuroscience and one of our favs #meditation read more at Business Insider…
feminine care products we <3 [video]
Cuz sometimes you just need a laugh and #newsflash who needs that stuff in your hoo-hah? #ComeClean
preventing childhood allergies [video]
Children fed peanuts or products made from peanuts in their first year of life developed 80% fewer #allergies by age 5. Check out this great facebook video by Dr. Daniael Aronov explaining the results of the Peanut Allergy study as published in the New…