When I work with Time and Space in a healing session, you may feel particularly “seen” or “heard” and you will leave feeling soothed. During a Core Synchronism session, you may feel deep and profound sense of rest, which induces similar healing mechanisms to those experienced in deep sleep.
Connect the dots: Oral bacteria and gut inflammation, the role of Ayurvedic oral hygiene and probiotic supplementation in health
A recent report by IM Practitioner – Insights into Integrative Medicine highlights the role of oral bacteria in gut health. Researchers Professor Hattori and Professor Kenya Honda of Keio University School of Medicine in Japan found that when the bacterium Klebsiella pneumoniae…
Skin care – your daily habits (dinacharya) have a big impact
Daily self care and how you tailor that care by observing your skin’s needs is an important aspect of Ayurvedic dinacharya. While Ayurvedic skin care is not mentioned by name here, adjusting the products you use to your skin’s temperament…
Sleep is a pillar of health!
Sleep is a pillar of health! The 2017 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine reveals the precise mechanisms governing circadian sleep/wake cycles and the direct impact of the light of the sun. These modern understandings confirm the Ayurvedic teachings about…
Caution with Rx Sleep Aids
CAUTION: ALL Rx sleep aids have side effect and withdrawal complications. Sleep is an overall indicator of health according to Ayurveda. Learn healthy habits for your unique constitution by booking a consultation today. Our clients have experienced incredible benefit with…
breast self-exam because no one knows your body as well as you
Breast self-exam may be as effective at detecting early breast cancer as mammography, with ZERO side effect (and no radiation exposure). Heather recommends performing your self-exam during daily abhyanga (Ayurveda oil massage). #nooneknowsyourbodyaswellasyou #healthcare #empowerment Read A Fresh Case for Breast…
the dark side of fitness
Ayurveda recommends moving your body daily, walking after meals, and increasing the intensity of exercise as needed according to body type (kapha) and season (spring). In yoga class you may hear the queue to work out to 80% capacity. Why?…
meditation plus exercise, a powerful antidote to depression
Meditation plus exercise is a powerful antidote to major depressive disorder “One clinically depressed participant mentioned that the intervention saved her life,” Dr Alderman said. “That’s a powerful statement, and although I’m not a qualitative researcher and don’t often deal…